Tuesday, September 09, 2008


He can't be the only one leaving the Democrats and registering as a GOP voter. The vitriol of the attacks on Governor Palin moved him to action:

Here’s a simple thought experiement: suppose that Sarah Palin were a Democrat and had been chosen by Barack Obama as his VP candidate. Virutally everything that the Left is attacking Sarah Palin on right now would instead be touted as “real-world experience and understanding”, especially her time as mayor of a small town in Alaska. They would fiercly mock any criticism, however mild, of Bristol’s pregnancy; they would tout Sarah’s choice to keep Trig (their Down’s Syndrome child) as showing how much of a ‘big tent’ the Democratic party has; and they would shout to the heavens Palin’s reformist credentials, particularly her fight against corrupt Republicans in Alaskan government.

Sarah Palin’s only real sin is that she’s a Republican. And the sheer virulance of the Left’s reaction to her shows how utterly terrified they are of her. If she really were a poor choice, a desperate choice, a lightweight choice, the Democrats would rub their hands with glee and thank the political gods for such a dumb choice. They would simply let the GOP ticket fail on its own, taking the high road (assuming the Democrats even know any more what the “high road” is). But the vicious, over-the-top, incoherent rage of the incoherent Left shows that Palin is anything but a lightweight, anything but a poor choice. She is, they fear, a second Reagan, one shaped for the 21st Century. Their nightmare is that if McCain/Palin win in November, they may have lost the White House for the next 8 to 16 years.

From your blog to Heaven's ears! But make it 24!

He concludes:

And for the first time in my life, after 37 years as a Democrat, I will be a Republican.

Quite a few Democrats will be joining you, at least in the privacy of the ballot booth, Bruce.

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