Thursday, September 18, 2008


The reason Countrywide and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Lehman ended up in a ditch is because the Democrats in Congress got their way and blocked a Bush Regulation Plan in 2001 and a McCain Plan in 2005. They claim they did it to protect minorities, but they really did it to protect their friends who ran these three companies: you can check the campaign donations; they went overwhelmingly to the Democrats who protected them - Dodd, Clinton and Obama.

The reason we are in an energy crunch now - and sending so many petrodollars overseas to regimes that don't like us - is because the Democrats in Congress got their way and blocked the Bush-Cheney Energy Plan; in fact, the Democrats in Congress spent more time and money and - dare I say it - ENERGY trying to find out who Cheney talked to than in actually debating legislation which would have made us more energy independent.

If the Democrats had gotten their way vis a vis The Surge, then Iraq would have completely descended into civil war, sectarian strife and been taken over by AL QAEDA and IRAN, BUT BUSH WON THIS ONE - AND AS A RESULT WE SAVED IRAQ.

The ONLY reason Bush won on The Surge was because he had the authority to ORDER IT as Commander in Chief, and then - after ordering it - he challenged Congress to cut funding -- their only way to stop it. The Democrats in Congress tried, but they failed.

The Democrats have been 100% WRONG on the three biggest issues of our day (financial oversight, energy and The Surge) - and because their policies succeeded in the financial arena and the energy arena, we are all suffering.

I hope this illustrates how much is at stake this November, and why it is PARAMOUNT to elect as many Republicans as possible.

I say that as a registered Democrat. Since 1974.

But I must admit that I will probably be voting a straight GOP line this fall - and for the foreseeable future - that is until the Democrat Party is no longer dominated by the left and is once again dominated by sensible centrists whom I can trust on ALL matters of national security: the GWOT; energy; taxes & the economy; and immigration.

If you don't want any more fiascoes, then I suggest you VOTE ACCORDINGLY.


  1. I can see that Liberals only think with their feelings, quick from the hip knee jerk reactions...very selfish feelings. I've read lots of articles about abortion and how having children ruins peoples lives, and I can see how the recent trouble in the market is causing Liberals to play on peoples fears....without telling the truth or offering any real help.

    The Liberals just hype up the economy as Bush's fault, when it's correct that for years and years they have been slowly slipping the knives into the economy themselves, slowly draining resources, setting up unproven loan schemes to 'benefit the poor' but it is really a way to funnel government money.

    I'm just very very tired of listening to Liberals and the lies, They can be proven wrong on everything but it's the emotion game that they always get away with. The Liberals are always 'gloom and doom' because it's so much easier to sad then it is to take the effort to be happy. They play on everyone's weaknesses and try to convince everyone that giving up their freedoms will make them happy....the government will think for you, you will be happy then. What a load of crap.



