Saturday, September 06, 2008


Jim Treacher nails it:
It occurs to me: If Obama's experience in this presidential campaign is itself to be considered one of his qualifications for the Oval Office, what are we to make of his performance over the last few days? Is this an indication of how he deals with adversity? Because -- and this may be unfair -- it seems to me that over the next 4 years, the President of the United States will face much tougher challenges than watching a cute lady with glasses make fun of him on TV.
Hie thee hence.


  1. many of my lib friends say they don't worry about obama because is smart and as potus he will get good advice and be able to choose wisely.

    two things disporve this:

    his decision to choose biden over hillary.

    and his decision not to support the surge and to speak out and vote against it.

    the same 300 people who are advising him now will be advising him if - GOD FORBID PLEASE! - he is elected potus.

    he has proven himself unworthy of the office.

  2. Where has Obama/Biden disappeared too? After the Palen announcement and then the Hurricane Gustav Obama hasn't been seen or heard from.

    Obama may talk a good game about how bad Pres. Bush messed everything up, but that will only last so long, the people want a real leader to do what they say they will do. McCain has shown to the people to do what he says.

    I didn't agree with McCain as the nominee at first, but now I do accept him. Obama is still only focusing on the economy and how to use the government to bail people out, McCain is looking past that to the source of the problem - the entrenched politicans making a career for themselves instead of doing their job and working for the people of America.

    These politicans have sold American to the lowest bidder, the have sold our values, they sold our security. McCain should do exactly what he says he will do by exposing the waste, he will be a champion if he does.
