Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Senator Obama is loosening up on the campaign trail:
When discussing McCain’s energy plan, Obama poked fun at his line on drilling. “What were the Republicans hollerin’, ‘drill baby drill’? What kind of slogan is that?! They were getting all excited about drilling!”

He even found a way to make an answer to a question on civil liberties comical. While speaking about the importance of habeas corpus, Obama said, “We don’t always catch the right person. We may think this is Mohammed the terrorist, it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You may think it’s Barack the bomb thrower, but it might be Barack the guy running for president.”
Was that another Freudian slip?

But it wasn't Barack the bomb thrower, it was Bill Ayers the bomb thrower.

Barack, remember Bill Ayers? You'll be reminded soon . . .

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