Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This afternoon, National Pinko Radio's program Small Things Considered broadcast an interview with Timothy Shriver, the chairman of the Special Olympics, calling for a boycott of Ben Stiller's new comedy "Tropic Thunder" because of its "hate speech."

The N-word is used in the movie once, but that isn't what offended Mr. Shriver. He is upset because the character played by Ben Stiller, a foolish Hollywood method actor (in a film that is a complete send-up of foolish Hollywood method actors), describes having played a "retard." That's the word that Mr. Shriver finds hateful, because its use leads to exclusion, fear of the "other," suffering, and loneliness. He said it was used in the movie 17 times.

But at the end of the interview, Mr. Shriver admitted that he hadn't actually seen the movie.

And my immediate reaction to that revelation was, "What a frickin' retard . . ."

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