Thursday, August 28, 2008


As Russia returns the world to Cold War status, they also seem to be taking steps to provide shari'a benefits for their Islamic population, which, if we think of Russia as a European country, is the largest in the continent (may number at about 25 million). Now, they've issued shari'a compliant credit cards for their own Muslim population (via Dhimmi Watch):
For the first time ever in the banker history in Russia special plastic cards for Muslims are now available for the followers of Islam. The cards are produced by one of the largest banks of the Republic of Dagestan of the RF.

The special feature of the cards is zero annual percent. It is known that Islam prohibits usury and the Muslim religion is against its followers getting profit from keeping money somewhere.

According to the pushful bank representatives, the cards are already gaining popularity with the Muslim republic citizens who previously to becoming a bank’s client had to write a paper confirming that they refused getting deposit percentage.
I've got a feeling that, as Russia continues to veer back to Cold War status, that Muslims there will continue to influence the country, and just like in Britain, money bonds for shari'a could be issued there.

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