Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Optimism About The Situation in Iraq is At an All-Time High Which Means Optimism About The Possiblity Of An Obama Presidency Is At An All-Time Low

When things are good, Iraq, the economy, etc., it is always a bad thing for Obama. He has bet his entire hand on the failure of America. Do we want a President like that?

No. And, that's why he won't win.

From Rasmussen:

Voter confidence in the War on Terror is at the highest level ever recorded
since Rasmussen Reports began regular tracking in January 2004. Fifty-four
percent (54%) of American voters now think the United States and its allies are
winning the war. The previous high-water mark for optimism--52%--was reached a
handful of times in September and October 2004.

Optimism about the
situation in Iraq is also at an all-time high. Forty-eight percent (48%) now
expect the situation in that troubled country to get better over the next six
months. Only 17% expect things to get worse. In addition to being the most
optimistic assessment ever recorded, these numbers reflect a remarkable
turnaround over the past year. Last August, just 27% thought things were going
to get better while 47% were pessimistic.

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