Sunday, August 31, 2008


So said sycophant Joe Biden just now on Sixty Minutes, in reference to Obama's speech at the DNC last Thursday.

More Zeus analogies and with such pride from Biden, too. Sheesh!


  1. The speech really wasn't very good at all. The usual pie in the sky boilerplate, a plea to avoid debating any of the substantive issues of the campaign, and mundane Bush Derangement Syndrome. And his delivery was rushed and very hesitant. He had flop sweat. If Biden believes what he is saying, he's nuts. But I don't think he believes it, he's just whistling in the dark.

  2. I didn't watch the speech. I had better things to do.

    But maybe I'll look it up to see what a fool he made of himself.

    Biden is one of the most gullible politicians on Capitol Hill. The thought of his serving as VP is anathema to me.

  3. And, Biden actually makes goo-goo eyes at BHO too. Disgusting, really!

  4. He's making up for his earlier (in the primaries) disparagement of Obummer:

    "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    Obama Bin Biden. The old, corrupt Washington politics.
