Monday, August 25, 2008

Obama Campaign Launches Desperate, Misleading Response to Ayers Ad

The Obama campaign has launched a new ad that fails to dispute a single fact in the American Issues Project's initial ad questioning Barack Obama's relationship with admitted domestic terrorist, William Ayers.

"This response ad is more smoke and mirrors from a candidate desperate to obscure his longstanding relationship with admitted domestic terrorist William Ayers," said Ed Martin, American Issues Project's president. "Senator Obama is pretending to barely know the man who hosted the launch of his political career and with whom he has worked for years to advance a liberal agenda."

Sen. Obama has defended his friend Ayers as "respectable" and "mainstream," despite the fact that Ayers has continued to trumpet his role in the Weather Underground bombings.

On September 11th, 2001, the New York Times reported him saying, "I don't regret setting bombs ... I feel we didn't do enough.''


1 comment:

  1. The fact that the Soetoro campaign felt it had to run an ad about Ayers now is probably an indication that the U.I.C. archive will reveal an extensive collaboration between Ayers and Obama, going back to Obama's earliest years in Chicago. The question will then be, why did he lie about this relationship for so long. Why did he attempt to cover it up?
