Thursday, August 14, 2008


Glenn Reynolds linked to Tom Maguire's answer to his question:
Glenn Reynolds has been wondering what other secrets the media is sitting on and what other stories they are not pursuing that might damage Obama. I have a nominee.
The answer is the Bill Ayers connection.

Maguire linked to Steve Diamond's latest summary of Barack [middle name redacted] Soetoro's 20-year relationship with an unrepentant communist terrorist.

Barack evidently hooked up with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn during his first sojourn in the Windy City, before he went to law school. When he came back, he went to work for the same firm as Dohrn, and collaborated with Ayers in a number of years-long left-wing projects.

This relationship is the key to Barack Soetoro's political ideology. Read the summary now.

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