Monday, July 28, 2008


A few days ago, Maariv caused a scandal by publishing the note Barack Obama put in the Western Wall cracks, which was allegedly fished out by some nutcase. Now, it appears that the whole thing may have been a setup:
What initially seemed to be a journalistic scoop of dubious moral propriety now seems to be a case of an Israeli paper being played by the Barack Obama campaign. Maariv, the second most popular newspaper in Israel, was roundly criticized for publishing the note Obama left in the Kotel. But now a Maariv spokesperson says that publication of the note was pre-approved for international publication by the Obama campaign, leading to the conclusion that the "private" prayer was intentionally leaked for public consumption.


For that "scoop" the paper has come under fire. Yediot Aharonot, the country's most popular daily, published an article Friday saying it had also obtained the note but decided not to publish it, to respect Obama's privacy. Other Israeli media outlets initially ignored the story, or picked it up only after the initial publication had triggered a controversy.


However, it now appears that Maariv had collaborated with the Obama campaign in getting the "private" prayer, with its "modest" supplicaton to the Lord, out to the public, buffing his Christian credentials and showing his "humility."

A Ma'ariv spokesman was quoted in the Jerusalem Post as saying that "Barack Obama's note was approved for publication in the international media even before he put in the Kotel, a short time after he wrote it at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem."

The paper added that is was "pleased" with its "journalistic accomplishment."

It appears that Obama made Maariv an instrument of his will. The paper, of course, was a most willing tool.

The campaign might be less pleased with another pronouncement by Maariv: "In any case," the spokesman said, "since Obama is not a Jew, publishing the note does not constitute an infringement on his right to privacy." Apparently, to the paper, Gentile prayer doesn't count.

If the Maariv statement about pre-approval of publication of the note is true, it would mean that the Obama campaign had managed the event brilliantly, if deceptively, getting the double benefit of appearing to be victimized by the invasive Israeli press and prayer-thieving Jew while at the same time leaking out his humble Christian plea to the Lord.
This is very eyebrow-raising, and at the same time, it shows how Maariv is an embarrassment as a newspaper, and does not deserve your money.


  1. I've long thought Maariv was a vert dubious source.

    I remember a few years back, they posted an editorial which supported the nuking of North Korea.

    Ever since then, I have been disgusted by that paper.

  2. Even if it was to further his campaign, I think it was a nice idea for Obama to go to the wall, put on a yarmulka, and place his note in the wall.
