Friday, July 11, 2008


Yet more investigations are being launched against him:
( In a joint statement issued early Friday afternoon, the police and Justice Ministry said that they are looking into new allegations against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. According to these allegations, Olmert used to have several bodies – including the government – finance his trips abroad when he was Mayor of Jerusalem and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor.

According to the statement, "The travel agency which took care of his trips produced separate invoices for each of the bodies and public organizations that paid for the trips… In this way the sum total of the money that was received from the different bodies for the same trip was greater than the real expenditure for the flights, and the extra funds, in substantial amounts, that were – it is suspected – fraudulently obtained, were transferred to a special private account on Olmert's name that the travel agency managed for him. These funds were used to fund private trips abroad by Mr. Olmert and members of his family."
According to this article on NFC, a sixth investigation has been launched against one of the most extraordinarily dishonest politicians ever known here.

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