Thursday, July 24, 2008


I was just reading the text of Obama's speech in Berlin.

Sadly, McCain just doesn't have what it takes to beat this guy, in my opinion.

The only hope is for Obama to be caught with a young boy or a dead woman.

By the way, if he means what he says in his speech, he won't be a bad President. He would probably be even better than Clinton. He would not be worse than Jimmy Carter.

Problem is, I don't think he means what he says.

One thing in his speech which is very powerful, and true (and I've been saying this on my blog for four years now) is that America needs Europe.

In Obama's speech he says, Europe must understand that America has sacrificed for their freedom and Europe is now taking on more responsibility for its freedom.

That, of course, isn't true, but it is a nice diplomatic way of saying, "Get up off your asses and do something, Euros."

Or, it could be Obama code meaning, "I'm going to pull all of our troops out of Europe and everywhere else in the world. No more American "hegemony"."

With Obama, who keeps close friends like William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, we just can't be sure what he means.

But, we can guess it's probably not so good for America.

By the way, here's what Obama said vis a vis America's partnership with Europe:

In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our
world, rather than a force to help make it right, has become all too common. In
America, there are voices that deride and deny the importance of Europe's role
in our security and our future.

Both views miss the truth -- that Europeans today are bearing new burdens
and taking more responsibility in critical parts of the world; and that just as
American bases built in the last century still help to defend the security of
this continent, so does our country still sacrifice greatly for freedom around
the globe.

Yes, there have been differences between America and Europe. No doubt,
there will be differences in the future. But the burdens of global citizenship
continue to bind us together. A change of leadership in Washington will not lift
this burden. In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required
to do more -- not less ...

That is why America cannot turn inward. That is why Europe cannot turn
inward. America has no better partner than Europe.

These things are true, whether he really means them, or not.

The most obvious immediate criticism is that Obama seems to believe, and I mean really believe, that his "world" citizenship is as important as his American citizenship.

Another criticism is that Obama seems to envision himself as some sort of immaculate conception. He mentions none of the history of American Presidents and Berlin. Where is the gratitude to Reagan? (I've read bits of Obama's Audacity of Hope. As far as I can tell, Obama does not recognize anything positive in the legacy of Ronald Reagan.)

Obama speaks of "tearing down walls."

Where does he think that phrase came from? Pink Floyd?


  1. Hi Pastorius,
    Right, McCain doesn't have what it takes. But McCain, along with his younger and more energetic running mate, may be enough to win in the end. Once the VP is designated, voters will start to look at the team and the McCain age issue will wane, IMO, in the public's eye. A Romney or Pawlenty, each in their own way, should help alot. That's why I think McCain should name his VP now.

  2. Felix,
    Good to see you. I think a VP choice will help.

    But, let's wait for tomorrow morning. I am willing to bet their will be a resounding cheer from the whole world on this "momentous" speech. Princess Obama's coronation goes on.

    We may think he is ridiculous. But, we can't interpret him through our own eyes. We have to think the way the public does.

    That's marketing 101.

  3. nope nope nope...

    disagree mightily.

    most of "the public" is split.

    85% have their minds made up.

    the balance - 15% don't know what to think. YET.

    and about 5% of each camp can be dissuaded from voting.

    that's how elections are won.

    events may sway the undecideds more than speeches which are soon forgotten.

    does naybody REALLY rember the philly/wright speech which made chris matthews cream in his pants!?!?!?

    obama will lose big in the electoral college.

    the 15% undecided will vote mostly for mccain.

    look at it this way:

    bush got more dems to voite for him than kerry got gop'ers.

    mccain will not get fewer dems than bush.

    obama will not get more gop'ers.


    also, remember this: lieberman beat manont in 2006 in CT --- when the war was goinf badly.

    CT is NOT more conservative than the USA.

    ergo: mccain will beat obama - who is to the left of lamont.


    his spech sucked.

  4. Obama's without question pulling one of the largest con-jobs in World history. Lord help us. I've got your blog linked to mine ( as well. Can you return the favor for me?

  5. The level of derision and ridicule directed toward Obama from the republican blogs and talk radio is starting to spill over into the MSM. Obama's free associating and rambling on when not in a set speech format is becoming obvious to all.

  6. i said this yesterday:

    events may sway the undecideds more than speeches which are soon forgotten.

    does naybody REALLY rember the philly/wright speech which made chris matthews cream in his pants!?!?!?


  7. It will take every bit of effort we GOP backers can muster, but Obama can and must be beaten.

    I don't know of too many folks over 50 (classic boomers) who will pull the lever for someone so unaccomplished and unproven.

    And just wait til the Jeremiah Wright commercials start up 24x7.
