Sunday, July 13, 2008


Mazuz, the attorney-general of Israel, is an otherwise faily corrupt official himself, and it seems that he's trying to avoid taking any responsibility in seeing to it that Olmert takes any as well. From Haaretz:
Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Sunday evening said that he had no intention of declaring the prime minister incapacitated because it is not the attorney general's job to "appoint or dismiss prime ministers."

Responding to mounting pressure to declare Prime Minister Ehud Olmert incapacitated in light of several corruption investigations currently underway against him, Mazuz said "the continuation of the prime minister's term is in the hands of the political system, not the attorney general or the judicial system."
If Mazuz wanted to, I think he could see to it that an official indictment is declared against Ehud Olmert right now, but he isn't. And that's why I want to point out that Mazuz is part of the problem, as he is holding back in taking responsibility for dealing properly with Olmert. The question now is: how much longer is he going to take in letting it be known whether Olmert will face an official indictment for his crimes?

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