Monday, July 14, 2008


The JTA reports that the Jewish community in France is demanding a probe of the al-Durah case by the president's office.
Paris ( JTA) -- The organized Jewish community in France is publicly calling on President Nicolas Sarkozy to launch an investigation into the controversial television broadcast of an alleged Israeli shooting of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy.

Last week’s call by CRIF, the umbrella Jewish organization, increased the pressure on the French government to intervene in the 8-year-old debate over the authenticity of the September 2000 video report by France 2 TV and its Jerusalem correspondent, Charles Enderlin.

The call for a probe lent new legitimacy to concerns that the broadcast was staged and sparked a new debate in the French media over the issue.

The video helped fan the flames of the second Palestinian uprising and spurred anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment across the globe.
What the president should do is whatever possible to see to it that Enderlin is fired for aiding and abetting propaganda. He does not deserve his job, and should be removed for his crime.

I recommend to read also Melanie Phillips' article for Standpoint, one of the few articles on the subject to appear in the British press, if at all, which also tells quite a bit of interesting things.

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