Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today, the Israeli government handed back Samir Kuntar and 4 other Hezbollah terrorists, and what for? Two bodies in coffins (via Hot Air Headlines).
Shortly after convicted murderer Samir Kuntar and four Hizbullah POWs arrived in Lebanon late Wednesday afternoon, Hizbullah transferred to Israel a coffin carrying the remains of a number of IDF soldiers who were killed during the Second Lebanon War.

The five Lebanese terrorists and the IDF remains passed across the border only after the IDF positively identified the bodies of Regev and Goldwasser.
As one of the commentors on Hot Air says, it's quite likely that the two soldiers who tragically died were dead just shortly after capture. It was of course courtesy of Olmert's blundering that all this happened.

I think Israel really needs to employ a death sentence for terrorists just like the US has one to use on some of the worst murderers in history. Because Kuntar should have been executed long ago for his crimes.

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