Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Barack Obama's Nicknames -- if he turned Pro Wrestler

Since his middle name is off-limits, I figured we could use pro wrestling nicknames instead.

Barack "Present" Obama -- as a state senator, Obama voted "present" nearly 130 times to avoid taking positions that could hamper his rise to national prominence.

Barack "The Real Estate Investor" Obama -- Obama fundraiser and convicted deal-maker Tony Rezko, whose partners included the son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad, was directly involved in a shady land deal with the Democratic candidate.

Barack "Oil-for-Food" Obama -- No wonder Obama opposed the Iraq War: one of slumlord Rezko's backers -- Nadhmi Auchi -- was an intimate of Saddam Hussein and is reported to have made hundreds of millions off the U.N.'s egregiously corrupt "Oil-for-Food" scam.

Barack "Erector Set" Obama -- Just watch the video. You won't believe a so-called presidential candidate pulled (oops, pardon the terminology) something like this in public.

Barack "Inartful" Obama -- FISA, the DC gun ban, faith-based government initiatives, a "divided Jerusalem", NAFTA,... all could be considered outrageous fabrications... or, for the gullible sort, a series of "inartful" word gaffes.

I'm sure there are plenty of others. Feel free to use the comments to suggest 'em.

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