Friday, July 25, 2008

FAA May Cut Back Flights From Israel To U.S. - Are The Ghetto Walls Closing On The Jews Again?

In the days leading up to the Holocaust, Jews tried in vain to flee Europe, only to have door after door shut in their face.

No, we don't have room for any more of you here. No room left at the inn, Jews.

And now, the FAA is going to cut back on flights out of Israel? Am I crazy to think this is the beginning of the ghettoization of Israel itself?

Can our Presidential candidates assure us there will not be a second Holocaust?

Is Phillip Roth's nightmare beginning to come to reality?

FAA May Cut Back Flights From Israel To U.S.

From CBS:
The Federal Aviation Administration could soon cut back the number of flights from Israel to the United States after finding Israel's aviation safety to have "severe Security shortcomings," according to a report by Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The FAA says it uncovered serious flaws in flight safety during a tour of Israel's airport security this week.

Primarily, at Ben-Gurion International Airport the FAA found a lack of proper supervision, overcrowded airspace, and outdated technology. An Israeli air panel came to the same conclusion just a year ago, but no changes were implemented.

A report is expected to be released in 90 days which will detail the FAA's decision on whether flights from Israel to the U.S. should be limited.
As far as I know, the truth is, Israel has one of the best aviation safety records in the world.

Anyone got any stats to back me up on this?

For instance, at the beginning of June 2008 (a little over a month ago), it was reported that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Michael Chertoff announced that the U.S. had signed a landmark agreement with Israel to share information about airport security. I would presume that that means Mr. Chertoff must have thought Israel was doing a pretty good job:
JERUSALEM, May 29 (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Thursday he will seek to adopt novel Israeli methods, like behaviour-detection technologies, to better secure America's airports. "That's a scenario where Israel has a lot of experience," Chertoff said in an interview with Reuters. "I think that it is of interest to us to see if there is any adaptation there."

And now, the FAA is limiting flights because of severe security shortcomings???

Compare the relative aviation records of

The United States


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