Wednesday, June 04, 2008


The food shortages, resulting from bad leftist policy, are bringing the leftists at the United Nations to their knees.

From Noblesse Oblige:

You know thing are bad when the UN calls
for Capitalism
. Ban Ki Moon called for the end to tariffs, protectionism,
and trade barriers in face of mounting food inflation:

“We simply cannot afford to fail,” the UN secretary general told a news
conference at the UN Food and Agriculture (FAO) summit on food security.
“Hundreds of millions of people expect no less.”

In the latter quarter of the last century the world overcame hunger pretty
much everywhere, and many countries leapt out of the ditch of third world
poverty. This was during a sweet period of abundant energy and low price in
terms of inflation-adjusted dollars. Few knew or really noticed how good we
really had it, embroiled as they were in the petite political spats of the
moment. We must get back to that sweet spot soon if we do not want to see bread
lines and food riots as a normal daily occurrence around the world.

As the problem worsens governments will fall, regions will destabilize,
and death will stalk many lands. It’s pretty grim reality, the math is not hard
and the outcomes don’t take computer models to imagine.

If we want abundant food we must have abundant cheap energy, and if we
want clean air then it must be clean energy as well. We cannot afford to wait
any longer in developing it either.

Now while you are chewing that over, think in terms of goals, and which
goal is most important: reducing carbon, or reducing hunger?
If we fail in
either goal, which creates the grimmest future: Global Warming or Global Hunger?
Now you should ask which goal gets more press, more support, more funding, and
more time at the UN?

The UN has failed in mission number one by paying attention
to neo-luddite environmental fantasies
and politically whoring after every thug
dictator in all the years since Carter’s Presidency - all this sound and fury
over the IPCC report while millions get set to starve.

Drill ANWR now.

The United States has tremendous amounts of oil, in the Rockies, and in the South Dakota/Montana area.

We have enough proven reserves to make us, once again, the largest oil-producing nation in the world.

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