Sunday, June 01, 2008


Last fall, when his beautiful and moving memoir was published, the leftwing drive-by media had a field day characterizing Justice Clarence Thomas as "angry."

"Why is Clarence Thomas so angry?" asked Jeffrey Toobin in the New Yorker.

Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post called Justice Thomas "One Angry Man."

And there were more.

The accusation that Justice Thomas's underlying emotion is anger was a deliberate attempt to assassinate his character.

And it's a lie very similar to the story the left-behind media are spinning about Senator John McCain.

Decide for yourself. How angry is this Clarence Thomas:

On the other hand, how would you describe the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's underlying emotion? Is he angry?

You think?

Now think about this:

For over 20 years, the man the Democrat Party is likely to nominate for the office of the President of the United States, voluntarily selected as his role model and spiritual mentor, advisor and confidant, not Justice Clarence Thomas, but rather the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

What does that tell you about Barrack [middle name redacted] Obama's underlying and ruling emotion?

Isn't the icy calmness of his psychopathic cool simply a mask for a seething volcanic rage against the parents who deserted him? A rage that could not be quenched by all of his successes in a middle class Hawaiian high school, at Columbia, at Harvard Law, in the Illinois State Senate and even the United States Senate? That's the story the leftist media aren't touching.

1 comment:

  1. CT: " the problem is veering away from the gospel we're supposed top follow..."

    yup: do that n get called uncle tom or house slave - BY THE LEFT.

    Thomas = great man; great American.

    Barack Hussein Amoeba = POND SCUM.
