Wednesday, June 04, 2008

New Drugs To Treat Aging Are Inevitable

90 Will Be The New 50

From Cox News Service:

Harvard Medical School professor who has made headlines with research into
the health benefits of a substance found in red wine called resveratrol.

Speaking on a panel of aging experts, Sinclair had the boldest
predictions. He said scientists can greatly increase longevity and improve
health in lab animals like mice, and that drugs to benefit people are on the

"It's not an if, but a when," said Sinclair, who co-founded Sirtris
Pharmaceuticals to pursue such drugs. The company, which is testing medicine in
people with Type 2 diabetes, was recently bought for $720 million by
GlaxoSmithKline, the world's second-largest drug maker.

Sinclair said treatments could be a few years or a decade away, but
they're "really close. It's not something (from) science fiction and it's not
something for the next generation."

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