Thursday, June 05, 2008

Netherlands: Attack! (in Arabic)

A new Dutch shirt put out for the European Football Championship, has a multicultural variant of the old slogan "Aanvallûh" (attack).

The T-shirt is orange, with the text Aanvallah, written with Dutch letters made up to look like Arabic lettering.

Jeroen Tjebbe, publicity man, says that this shows that you think outside the box, and want to spread the "Orange" (Dutch) feeling together. Tjebbe came up with the shirt together with others.

He says they wanted to make something that will bring people closer together, instead of the unbelievable exaggerated way of going about the so-called differences between Muslims and non-Muslims.

He adds that with a Dutch wink they hope to contribute their two cents to a fervent victory for the Dutch team and to a great social bond.

Source: NU (Dutch)

This article was cross-posted to Islam in Europe and to THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

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