Sunday, June 01, 2008


Leftist post-modern multi-culturalists have retained significant influence in the courts and in the academy. Which is why, for example, same-sex "marriage" has been voted down by every state electorate and every state legislature that have considered it, and only exists, in Massachusetts and California, where it has been imposed by judicial fiat.

Now a leftist whackjob in Oregon proposes to use complacent judges to strangle the West's economy, leaving us wide open for jihadi domination. (Hat tip: DougM at Knowledge is Power.)

As reported by the Corvallis Gazette Times:

University of Oregon law professor Mary Wood is tired of waiting for government officials to take action on global warming. So she’s devised a new legal tool to hurry them up.
Drawing on her background in both natural resources and property law, Wood has developed a theory that claims the atmosphere is an asset that belongs to all but is held in trust by the government. The government has a legal obligation to protect that trust from harm, she argues, just as financial managers have a legal obligation to protect the monetary assets in their care.
The main problem with climate is that no government is taking responsibility for it and our government is sitting idle while this catastrophe is unfolding,” Wood said.
There’s no other body of law that requires the government to act. But a trustee has to act to protect the body of the trust.”
The very air you breathe belongs to the State, according to this moonbat. To idiots like her, every problem in the world could be solved, if only the judges would give absolute and total power to the government.
“What we’ve got is a vacuum — the federal government has taken zero responsibility,” Wood said. “You can’t find an atmospheric obligation in the statutes because Congress hasn’t written any statutes.”
Well, maybe they are doing something right . . .

  • Wood wants to see the United States embrace the targets set forth last fall by the Union of Concerned Scientists:
  • • Cap the growth of greenhouse gas emissions by 2010.
  • • Reduce emissions by 4 percent a year each year thereafter.
  • • Bring emissions down to 80 percent below year 2000 levels by 2050.
Achieving those goals -- targets established by folk-marxist fools -- means the end of the West's industrial economy, skyrocketing unemployment, chaos, and collapse.

And all in the name of reversing man-made global warming, when the climate has not warmed in nearly ten years, despite increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Wood is no better than a deluded paranoid schizophrenic.

Litigating lawyers and leftist judges are the last people who should be put in charge of the economy in general, and energy in particular.

1 comment:

  1. "Which is why, for example, same-sex "marriage" has been voted down by every state electorate and every state legislature that have considered it..."

    Not so. The California legislature passed a law in 2005 permitting gay marriage:

    Schwarzenegger vetoes gay marriage bill as promised
    Lynda Gledhill, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau
    Thursday, September 29, 2005
    Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today delivered on his promise to veto legislation that would have given same-sex partners the right to marry, but said he would not support any rollback of the state's current domestic partner benefits."
