Sunday, June 22, 2008

Islam in Europe Weekly Overview

This week I didn't have much time for blogging, and it also seemed to me that much of the news were repeats.  The 'big news', I think, was the acquittal in Denmark of the Jyllands-Posten editors on charges of defaming Muslims.  Therefore, this overview is really about the news I didn't blog about.

In the UK Abu Hamza lost the extradition fight.  At the same time, as was announced more than a month ago, Abu Qatada, "Bin Laden's ambassador to Europe", was released on bail

In Sweden, authorities rejected the asylum request (SV) of Adel Abdu al Hakim, a Chinese Muslim freed from Guantánamo

In Denmark, authorities released more information about the plot to kill Muhammad cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.  In other news, a new poll shows that 54% of Danes (DA) don't care if their colleagues at work wear a hijab.  However, in a poll from a year ago, 71% of Danes were against a hijab ban.

In France, a court overturned the marriage annulment decision, until it goes through the appeal process.

In the Netherlands, Muslim organizations were awarded with the international Golden Table Goodness Award (NL), for giving out 2,200 kilo of sacrifice meat collected during Eid to the poor and homeless.

Pork and halal

A researcher in the Netherlands, Christien Meindertsma, has found that pigs are used in 187 products (NL).  She traced the usage of one pig, and disocvered it was used among other things for beer, medicines, ammunition, heart valves, brake discs, and chewing gum.    Meindertsma is showcasing her work at the Rotterdam Kunsthal. 

Meanwhile, halal meat is being sold (DA) in supermarkets in Denmark, and customers are not always being notified.


This article was cross-posted to Islam in Europe and to THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS


  1. Esther?

    I dont know why you are making a point of the fact that halal slaughtered meat is being widely sold without marking in Denmark.

    There's lots of information the consumer is not getting - which is more important than method of slaughtering...

    These creatures are first being stunned by a bolt pistol and then having their necks cut with a short blade, after some prayers are said...the owner of the slaughterhouse explains that they slaughter all animals halal - then they don't have to worry about sorting the meat...Would you object if they were selling everyone kosher meat?

    This is a non issue and plays into the hands of those who would also prohibit kosher slaughtering and instead build more deathfactories like Danskes Slagteries Horsens complex - which processes 25000 pigs per day!

  2. halalification widely done = islamification / creeping sharia.

    don't conflate judaism with islam.
    islam is evil.

  3. would you be so ecumenical if it was an out-and-out satanic practice being done!?!?

    and don;pt accuse me of being anti-muslim: i'm talking about islam.

    muslims are dupes - like most leftists.

    allowing halal to become the norm is how your children grow up to marry muslims and raise children under islam: an evil creed.

    fight it or convert.

    fight it or see your grandchildren become muslims.

    we are fighting for our future and the future of generations to come.

  4. I'm not equating anything with anything

    just waiting for esther to explain why its important...not you

    no one knows the meat is halal - this is only happening because it is easier for the slaughterhouse...did yoiu read the article?

    its no different that organic milk ending up in regular milk cartons.
