Sunday, June 29, 2008

Anti-Obama blogs being treated as spam by Google

Some are being blocked altogether and on others you have to go through an onerous process to post. Since none of the blogs concerned have any of the characteristics of spam blogs, it seems most likely that false spam notifications from Obama supporters are the reason behind all the blocks. Uppity Woman (who is a Democrat but a mocker of Obama) has a big coverage of it.

The problem is so pernicious that a lot of bloggers have moved their sites to Wordpress and other locations. I reproduce below Uppity Woman's notes on that:

Old location: has been unfairly locked up as spam thanks to false "reporting". New Location:

Old Location: has also been locked out and falsely reported as "spam". New location:

Old Location: has been locked out for false reports that she is a "spam" site. This blogger has moved to her own domain at Hillary Or The Hillary or Bust site also lists the following additional blogs have been unfairly locked out due to false "spammer" accusations: (Native Americans Against Obama) (no new site as yet) Locked out, new site is: Locked out: Locked out, new site is here. was blocked but was reinstated earlier this month

It might be an idea to visit some of the blocked people at their new sites and give them some encouragement.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH

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