Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Mark Steyn said the following at the Fraser Institute in Vancouver:

What we’re up against is not primarily defined by what’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those are still essentially military campaigns and we’re good at those. ... it might be truer to say that this is a Cold Civil War – by which I mean a war within the west. The real war is a domestic war: the key terrain is not the Sunni Triangle but every major city within the western world. ...

Even if there were no battles in Iraq and Afghanistan, even if no one was flying planes into tall buildings in New York, even if no one were blowing up trains and buses and nightclubs in Madrid and London and Bali, even without all that, we would still be in danger of losing this thing – without a shot being fired.

As Reliapundit has repeatedly said, victory in the cultural struggle against leftism at home is essential.

Hat tip: Belmont Club.

1 comment:

  1. .
    I can't wait to see a tape of Steyn in front of the commission. The one with Ezra Levant was a real hoot. Ezra skewered them. I hope Mark will too.

    Mark Steyn is totally excellent, someone MUST give him his own show!
    We should all go hear him speak if we ever get the chance.
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe likes
    human rights commissions

    that violate human rights
    while claiming to protect them

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe hates
    real freedom of speech

    an American concept
    which is NOT for Canada

    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
    Help Halt Terrorism Now!

