Sunday, May 18, 2008


All the wars fought against Israel were always called "Arab-Israeli" wars. Never "Palestinian-Israeli wars."


Because the enemies of Israel had ALWAYS seen themselves as Arabs - the Ummah - not "Palestinians."

Prior to 1967, the ONLY people to call themselves "Palestinians" were the Jews of British Palestine.

The "Palestinian Liberation Organization" was founded BEFORE the 1967 war, BEFORE "occupation" of the West bank and Gaza.

It was founded to liberate ALL of British Palestine from Jews, and not just the "occupied territories".

This in fact has never changed: Fatah and Hamas BOTH really want to eradicate Israel - just like Hizballah and Iran. Fatah just is a little better at playing the "peace-process" game.

Despite this, Bush and Rice continue down the "peace-process" road. Bush AGAIN reiterated his belief in the two-state solution.

I'd like to ask a question of all the doves/appeasers/two-staters:
If Fatah and Israel agree on all terms (including refugees, and Jerusalem - the ONLY outstanding issues, really) - then... WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT GAZA!?!?!

Hamas - which controls Gaza - won't agree to ANY permanent settlement. The MOST they will agree to is a hudna of 10 years. SO: Does Gaza become part of this new Arab state? Does Fatah invade?

It's INSANE to think that giving Fatah or Hamas more autonomy will makes things better. It will makes things worse. Left alone to their own devices they will only become more belligerent and antisemitic. The withdrawal from Gaza proves this beyond ANY reasonable doubt.

SO: the goal of this so-called "peace-process" - another Arab state living side-by-side with Israel in peace- is not only unattainable in practical terms (YOU CAN'T MAKE A FINAL DEAL WITH FATAH AND NOT GAZA) --- it can't bring real peace.

So far, the only thing which has made Israel safer is the security fence.


Israel should annex the "territories" and treat Arab towns in the West Bank and Gaza as autonomous "reservations". And the Arabs there should be disarmed:
  • Any Arab owning any weapon would be convicted of sedition and sent into permanent exile.
  • And their schools and media would be monitored for antisemitism - a crime which would be legally considered SEDITION - all teachers and writers convicted of promoting sedition would be sent into permanent exile.
  • Mosques would be forbidden from teaching nakba and antisemitism; any imam teaching this would be sent into permanent exile.
  • Arabs would be sent "home": nation-states which are part of "the ummah".
And if the Arabs there don't like it then they can leave voluntarily - as they did in 1948.

1 comment:

  1. Hi AB:

    Why not try a win-win solution? Let me recommend the approach provided in "Solving the Arab-Israeli Conflict" by Walter Phillips. Rather than try the same failed approach of forcing a political solution on religious problems, Walter resolves the religious problems so that the political leaders can negotiate a win-win solution in good faith. For your information, the principal religious problems are:

    1. Mohammed’s final command that only one religion must occupy the Arabian Peninsula; therefore, the Jews must leave.
    2. Moses’ final command that the Israelites must occupy the Promised land, which includes Gaza and the West Bank; therefore, the Arabs must leave.

