Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Obama is out tuzla-ing Hillary.

He seems to have his white-family's history seared into his memory.

Check out S&L and Riehl and Transterestial for facts - as they stand today.

Here are some funny comments from their htreads:

A commenter at Riehl World:

uncle, neighbor, guy he read about once....

auschwitz, buchenwald, mcdonalds.....

criticizing obama is racist.

Posted by: e. brown
a commenter at Transterrestial Musings:

Korla Pundit wrote:

Hey, my uncle fought in the trenches of the Civil War alongside Abraham Lincoln.

That is, my grand-uncle caught trench mouth while marching for Civil Rights in Lincoln, Nebraska.

That is to say, my great-grand-uncle wore a trench coat and drove a Lincoln.

That is to say, my grannie had a penny with Lincoln's head on it. Yeah, that's it!

Korla Pundit wrote:

Maybe now Obama can drag his 90-year-old "uncle" out of the attic, force him to admit he was the one who made up that story 60 years ago, and then UNDER THE BUS YOU GO!

ME: Obama is an empty suit. A phony. And a liar. In short, the perfect standard bearer for the Dems!

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