Tuesday, May 20, 2008


You know how it goes; the left has been using this line for decades: "America is 4% of the world's population but uses 25% of the worlds resources."

What a crock of leftist crap.

Obama recently rephrased it this way:
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.
But what REALLY happens when the USA "consumes" less?

The rest of he world goes into RECESSION!

YUP: the rest of the world depends on USA "consumption" to earn a living and feed their people. If we didn't buy their raw materials and their manufactured goods, then they'd starve.

Here's how THE NYTIMES put it last year: "Asia braces as Americans consume less"

And this year - as the MSM's negative nabobs relentlessly heralded the "fact" that we're headed for a recession (which is NOT true!) world markets did as poorly as US markets: investors KNOW that the world's economy depends on US CONSUMPTION; if the US were really going to consume less, then the rest of the world would be going to suffer, too.

And let's take a close look at that word "consumption": the way the left uses it you'd think we didn't PAY FOR EVERYTHING WE IMPORT! We happen to PURCHASE what we import, and when we do the seller usually makes profit - and a living.

What knee-jerk leftists like Obama and his cult of followers fail to comprehend is that by advocating that Americans consume less they are advocating that the rest of the world should suffer MORE.

The poverty problem in the Third World is NOT that we consume too much; it's that THEY PRODUCE AND CONSUME TOO LITTLE.

What the Third World needs is MORE factories and power plants and yes SWEAT SHOPS. And power grids and highways and cars and trucks and refrigerators, etc.

The only things standing in the way ARE THE LEFT and their comrades in the GREEN movementM who think CO2 is a pollutant and THAT humanity is causing global-warming.

The LEFT: the enemy of the poor; the enemy of peace; the enemy of the capitalism, industrialism, Judeo-Christianity and the West.

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