If Obama was truly a post-racial candidate, then why did he ever join and remain in - to this day - a BLACK liberation theology church!?!?
In his book, Dreams of My Father, Obama DETAILS the conversation which led him to join Wright's BLACK liberation theology church: Wright CONVINCED Obama that the post-racial political ideology which Obama then subscribed to was WRONG. Wright called the purveyors of post-racial sociology as brothers who were flat out wrong, saying, "What country do these brothers live in!?"
The new "reverend" who preaches at Trinity preaches the same BLACK liberation theology as Wright, and defends EVERY ONE of Wright's recent statements.
The fact that Obama hasn't resigned from Trinity proves he is either a phony or a hypocrite or a liar or a racist.
Or that he doesn't have the COURAGE of his convictions.
Any one of these explanations DISQUALIFIES him from the POTUS.
aliens are jewish too!!