Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Finally, some justice has been found in this most notorious blood libel. As Richard Landes now reports at the Augean Stables, Phillipe Karsenty has won the case. If you can read French, here's something about this from Nouvel Observateur.

We now need to hope that France 2 television will fire Charles Enderlin, and have nothing more to do with the libelous fauxtographer who filmed the propaganda in the first place. They should and must do so if they're to hang onto their credibility as a TV network.

Not only that, but the law in France that allows "high-ranking" people like Enderlin to sue for alleged slander should be changed, just like Canada's alleged Human Right Commission should be discarded. Some calls should be start being made for the abolition of such foolish laws.

Until then, it's relieving to finally see the blood libel of the al Durah hoax discredited.

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