Sunday, May 25, 2008


On the one hand: When the child of an orthodox or "fundamentalist" Jew marries outside the faith, the parents sometimes react harshly and say, "You are dead to me; I know longer have a son (or daughter)." It's AS IF the child had died; many of these parents actually go into mourning.

On the other hand: The Muslims often actually MURDER their child. Sometimes for just dating a non-Muslim. It is NOT unusual, at all.

They call it "honor-killing." As if it restored honor.

Any religion which motivates its adherents to murder their own flesh and blood is an evil creed.

A creed which breeds parents capable of this to their own flesh and blood is breeding people capable of any and all other horrors imaginable - including genocide on a scale never before imagined.


  1. It's not the faith, though, since dishonor killings are pre-Islamic and un-Islamic. It's got more to do with culture, specifically, misinterpretations of pre-Islamic tribal codes.

    Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
    "Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

  2. er um... when imams and mullahs condemn it as un-islamic then i will agree.

    until then it is wishful thinking on your part.

  3. polytheism and human sacrifice predate monotheism and animal sacrifice & grain sacrifice.

    some peoples move on.

    some don't - and their religions reflect that.

    arguing that honor-killings predate islam says nothing. and means bupkuss.

    islam glorifies human sacrifice.

    the most public and extreme muslims celebrate it.

    mohummed and his arab followers created islam in their image.

    it is a brutal martial creed which sanctions honor-killing.

    if it did not than literalists like binladen and meshaal and their followers would not be tolerated, lauded etc.

    wake up, e.r.s.

  4. rop:

    "Two things happened in Iraq last week. A US soldier shot a discarded copy of the Qur’an, and al-Qaeda strapped explosives to an 8-year-old
    girl, killing more Iraqis in the name of Allah. Only one of these acts
    enraged Muslims. Do you know Islam well enough to know which?"

  5. I am not sure I agree with your premise that polytheism predates monotheism. Before one can create a panoply of gods and demi-gods one must first invent or discover the concept of god. Adin Steinsaltz referred to Abraham as the Renovator, and argues that Abraham was in fact a fundamentalist who returned to the idea of one god.

  6. prove it, northern seer.

    it's just a guess.

    and for millions of converts to monotheism it is false.

    when ERS argues that honor killings predate islam and therefore islam is innocent she is making a FALLACIOUS argument.


    it simply doesn't doesn't hold water.

    if it is true - and let's stipulate that it is - then why didn't mohummed EXPLICITLY condemn it?

    he would have if it was practiced as widely as it is toady, AND IF he was opposed to it.

    ergo: mohummed wasn't opposed to it.

    the Torah says:..."take no other gods before me..."

    the jJws admit they had, and in fact did many times after getting the Torah.

    but it is NEVER condoned.

    as honor killings is.

    NAY: honor killings are defended by literlist fundamentalist devout imams.

  7. Ellen Sheehy is a nut, Reliapundit. She seems to spend all her time googling posts on blogs about Honor Killings. And, every time she finds one, she makes the same comment she made here.

    She wrote a book, based upon her research in Jordan on Honor Killings. If anyone ought to know the truth, it is she.

    She leaves these idiotic comments, and then never comes back to respond to my corrections, or questions to her.

    She is, at best, a troll. I will erase all her comments from now on, as she has proven herself to be not at all interested in dialogue. Her comments are, instead, bird droppings. She's a bird, and she drops her comments like crap.

  8. proove what? proove what steinsaltz said? proove to me that polytheism predates monotheism.

  9. can steinsaultz or anyone else prove that monotheism predates polytheism... anywhere/everyhwere/arabia?
