Monday, April 07, 2008

You can do what you like with the U.S. flag -- but not the Mexican flag

Veteran Sentenced For Desecrating Mexican Flag at UNM Campus:

"Last fall a student La Raza group flew the The Mexican Flag over the UNM campus for several days-- This symbolizes that a US territory has been taken over.

After complaining to campus officials who did nothing Air Force veteran Peter Lynch took the flag down and tore it up.

This week he was sentenced. US Air Force veteran Peter Lynch was found guilty and sentenced Tuesday for desecrating a Mexican Flag that was flying illegally over the University of New Mexico campus.

The flag belonged to the campus group "El Centro de la Raza" who accused Lynch of being a racist for taking down the flag.


Since "El Centro de la Raza" means "the Center of the Race", that they called Lynch a racist is about as hypocritical as you can get.

Lynch received a deferred six-month sentence on supervised probation. He also must perform 48 hours of community service, attend anger management, replace the flag and pay court and probation fees.

No doubt it was wrong to destroy someone else's property but he could have been ordered simply to replace it.

Background here

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