Sunday, April 27, 2008

Shari'ah Law And Church's Chicken

(Hat-tip to Shariah Finance Watch, interviewed during the last hour of the April 25, 2008 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show. CLICK HERE to access the podcast)

From this source:
A Baltimore couple has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Islamic investment bank that owns the Church's Chicken fast-food chain, alleging their franchise failed because the bank's strict adherence to the religious code of Shari'ah prohibited the couple from selling pork.
Read the entire article HERE.

The above story about what happened to the Beasleys illustrates just one aspect of how shari'ah-compliant finance can directly affect us here in the United States. Don't think for a minute that shari'a-compliant finance won't, one day, affect you.


  1. That's what we need to fight against Shar'ia and Jihad. Use the courts, the protest, the media to our advantage.

    I hope they take these guys to the cleaners!

  2. Findalis,
    I agree with you on all counts.

    We must get over the nonsense about political correctness and use the freedoms we have to fight back against all forms of Islamification.
