Friday, April 11, 2008

The Horror, The Horror!: Unveiled Women!

Oh, the unveiled women are at it again.

Iran: Top Shia cleric says unveiled women turn men into beasts:
Mashad, 10 April (AKI) - A top Shia cleric in Iran has said that unveiled women are a serious danger to Iranian society as they cause men to be "transformed into beasts".

"Women without the veil are a danger that the authorities underestimate," said Hojatolislam Seyyed Ahmad Elmalhoda, a powerful cleric who leads the Friday prayers in Mashad, a site considered sacred for Shia Muslims as it houses the shrine of Imam Reza.

"This situation is very serious in that if men see these bad women, they will turn into beasts, and then the whole of society will have to pay the consequences."

According to the Shia cleric, women who do not respect conservative Islamic dress rules are "sources of all that is bad in society."
I do not know whether the top cleric has outed his opinion about the Iranian Police Chief who likes naked praying prostitutes.

May I suggest a solution on the Islamic Dress Code "problem"? Watch the video:

Sex Obsession And The Burqa
Muslim Fanatics Obsessive Suppression Of Women
Iran To Manufacture "Islamic Bicycle"

(Hattip: TheReligionofPeace)


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