Sunday, April 13, 2008

EXPLOSIVE UPDATE Did Pelosi go to Syria to help engineer a Defeat in Iraq? ---- Latin American Press: Pelosi is Chavez' "Lackey"

You know... the Latin American media do have a point here... (via the always superb Gateway Pundit):
The South American media knows who the Chavez lackeys are...

"Democrats Freeze the Colombian FTA With the "Chavez Rule""
... is the headline at Noticias 24 following Pelosi's historic move to block free trade with Colombia.

Pelosi-- The Hugo Chavez Lackey...

The South American news agencies were following the Democrat's historic move to change House rules and block a free trade agreement for the first time in American history.
Noticias 24 reported:
Nancy Pelosi, used as an excuse to work in the priority legislation and packages to resolve the financial crisis and economic slowdown in the United States. However, opposition to the trade pact may have more to do with the objections of the Democrats to President Uribe as personal...
So who is surprised?? This. is. who. they. are. And if you read the article in Investors Business Daily, Pelosi is destabilizing the entire region--and for what?? Why for the Worldwide Socialist Movement of course (one can just imagine the stirring notes of The Internationale coming from her billionaire husband's living room...)

From the IBD article:
The cowardly start more wars than the courageous. Nancy Pelosi's craven altering of House rules to kill off Colombia's trade pact brings that danger to the Andes. If war breaks out, her name will be on it.

April 10 may end up as a date which will live in infamy. The Speaker of the House not only refused to step forward and be counted on approving the vital Colombia free-trade agreement, she ran away from letting anyone else vote on it.

After President Bush submitted the pact to a vote under fast-track rules, she changed them to ensure it wouldn't go anywhere anytime soon. By a 224-195 House vote, the voting timeline rule on trade pacts was changed from 90 days to whenever. Pelosi now can hold up Colombia's treaty however long her caprice dictates.

"The message Democrats sent today," a bitter Bush warned after Thursday's vote, "is that no matter how steadfastly you stand with us, we will turn our backs on you when it is politically convenient."

Pelosi's move leaves Colombia, an ally, in limbo and uncertainty. She may think her clever maneuver was done in a vacuum, but it wasn't. In Venezuela's capital of Caracas, where Hugo Chavez holds forth, and in the jungles of Colombia, where drug terrorists hide out, Pelosi's move was watched closely.

Indeed, within hours of the vote, Latin American media already were calling Pelosi's maneuver the "Chavez Rule."

The Venezuelan dictator is no doubt fascinated at how Pelosi could do this to America's best ally in Latin America, punishing a vibrant democracy by isolating it from all the other nations that have sought and won free trade.

Unlike, say, military aid, this deal costs the U.S. nothing, is too small to have much impact on the U.S. economy and is mainly about ending tariffs on U.S. goods sold in Colombia, matching the no-tariff trade that Colombian firms already get here.

Free trade was what Chavez's enemy, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, considered his best weapon. And Pelosi knocked it right out of his hand, just to placate her party's union supporters.

Only a month ago, Chavez sent 10 tank divisions to the Colombian border after Colombia's army blew away a FARC terrorist kingpin. He warned he would bring war inside Colombia.

Encircled by tanks not only in the East by Venezuela but also in the South by Chavez's cat's paw, Ecuador, Colombia asked the U.S. for just one thing: to pass the free-trade agreement. No tanks. No jets. Just free trade.

Now without it, Chavez might be emboldened to strike. After all, he'll hear from congressional sources that Pelosi probably won't bring up a vote on the trade pact for at least several months. He'll use that time to pick fights with its now-forsaken neighbor. The fact that Colombia can't get even a trade pact tells him all he needs to know about American commitment.


Remember this picture?

Well, if the Chavez reports weren't reprehensible enough, Pam Geller has gotten her hands on a really hot story--if it is proven true. The allegation is that the sole purpose of the Pelosi-Santos "excursion" to Syria last year was to undermine US Iraq success using as a Proxy a Marxist Kurdish organization, the PKK. Strategy: to help ensure an American LOSS in Iraq by planning with the Kurdish terror organization to attack US supply lines.

Very big charges, and not much known about the source, but Atlas has been pretty reliable over the years; my suggestion is to watch it carefully--read all of Pam's post: if she is onto something this story could blow the Presidential election story to the back pages of the Home and Garden Section. Keep in mind that Pelosi as Speaker is briefed on highly sensitive intelligence, much of which would be enormously useful to our enemies.

I will just add this: if it can be shown that Pelosi's purpose in going to Syria was to undermine the effort (and endanger the lives) of American soldiers deployed abroad, then she should not only be impeached from the House and charged with Treason; in a just world she should be whisked off to Gitmo to find out what she told our enemies...

Here is a portion of Pam's explosive post:

Andy (who sent me all this data) was listening to talk radio when the host Jim Quinn of The Quinn & Rose Show mentioned for the second day in a row the aforementioned topic of the Pelosi trip. The reason he was talking about this a year removed was because the topic came up about how the democrats killed the free trade deal with Columbia, effectively siding with the narco terrorist group FARC, and Thug Hugo Chavez. Which made him revisit the Pelosi/Syria trip once again. That was yesterdays show.

Today he informed his listeners that someone in Washington was listening in to yesterdays show and heard him talking about the Pelosi trip, and that that DC listener had sent an email to someone he [Quinn] calls "son of deep throat" telling him that he was exactly right about someone from Pelosi's delegation meeting with members of the PKK. He said the letter went on to explain that it wasn't Pelosi who met with them. It was the late Tom Lantos, and Louise Slaughter (D) NY who met with the PKK members. This is a rough transcript.
Certain members of Pelosi's 7 representative delegation to Syria last spring met with officers of the PKK an affiliated terrorist organization...this is not an assumption...this is something that several Republican congressmen know with 100% certainty, but they can't come forward with it because they need to protect sources and methods...

It was not Pelosi who originally had the meeting with the PKK, nor was it Henry Waxman or the original Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison...It was Tom Lantos and Louise Slaughter (Democrat from New York) who had the actual meeting with Haji Amadi, the leader of the PJAK, which is an arm of the PKK who were tasked with handling the battle within Iraq, and other PKK and KCK officers. He said that one PKK officer Marrett Kereillin(sp) has even bragged on this and other meetings in interviews in English and Arabic and Farsi language publications. This is all the source could and likely will say...

He feels if we continue to talk about it the story could break in the national media...the possibility of some Kurd or even a PKK member or a sister terrorist organization might be willing to discuss what they know or one of the intelligent sources, French, US, Israeli, Iraqi, who already are aware of the meeting will finally see the need to leak it...or even a democratic staffer will come forward with the facts...

If this is true we have a bunch of people in the Congress of the United States who have committed treason...they have actually consorted with the enemy to create a situation that cuts off the supply line to an American military operation...Tom Lantos is dead Louise Slaughter is still alive...

If this is true...this is's so big the average American can't even get their head around the idea that the Speaker of the House would lead an entourage to try and undermine a military operation and put our people in danger.
There is much more to the Atlas post, and I do not know who this "son of deep throat" source is, but if there is something to these allegations, and actionable intelligence trail could be established, if the information became widely known (which would be difficult in today's poisoned media environment) it could cause a tectonic shift in American politics that would make Watergate look like, well...a third-rate burglary.

If the Syria charges alone were shown to be true, it would probably be enough to guarantee that no Democrat majority will see the light of day for the next 50 years; but if Pelosi and the neo-Marxists running today's Democrat Party also collaborated with the Marxist thug Chavez in denying free trade to our staunchest ally in Latin America, then it is time for our President and Executive Branch to begin playing some serious hardball. It all sounds like a plot from "24" but the scary thing is that it is indeed plausible and seems to underscore everything that Pelosi and the Democrats are about.

No, I am not kidding. She took an oath; they all did. It all feels like some nightmare from an Alan Drury novel of the 1950's--but it may be happening right now under your noses.

I am hoping that the resources in the blogosphere and in our intelligence community can get to the bottom of this, and quickly. (Before the election would be nice...).

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