Tuesday, April 15, 2008

End Of China's Surreptitious Rise

From Judith Ann Klinghoffer:

Deng Xiaoping developed the strategy entitled "The Peaceful Rise of China." Developing economically and militarily without attracting notice until it is too late. On the whole his successors dutifully followed that basic strategy with great success. Now somethings happened and the world woke up.

In the aftermath of the Olympics torch fiasco, China has replaced the US as the biggest threat to stability according to a recent FT/Harris poll.

The FT/Harris poll, carried out between March 27 and April 8, found an average of 35 per cent of respondents in five European countries saw China as a bigger threat to global stability than any other state. In the US, 31 per cent of respondents also named China, putting it way above Iran and North Korea, which were both perceived as greater threats last year. . . .

Italians were the most concerned about China with 47 per cent naming the
country as the biggest threat, compared with 26 per cent when the question was
last asked in June 2007. . .
. . . .China was the biggest threat for 36 per
cent in France, up from 22 per cent last year, 35 per cent in Germany, up from
18 per cent, and 27 per cent in the UK, up from 16 per cent. All three last year
ranked the US as a bigger threat.

Only inhabitants of Spain still considered the US to be a bigger threat
than China, by 41 per cent to 28 per cent. . .

The US was considered to be the biggest threat by 29 per cent of
respondents in Europe, down from 32 per cent in June.

What happened?

The West looked at the current Maoist style anti-Tibetan propaganda campaign, at China's failure to act as a responsible global stake holder in Darfur and Burma at the flooding of the world markets with shoddy goods made by poorly paid workers and did not like what it saw. Indeed, China has come to symbolized everything that is wrong with globalization.

Read the rest.

Just wait until China's policy of only allowing one child per couple begins to shrink the labor market. The Chinese economy, built on the socialist Ponzi scheme, will collapse. And then where will buy all our baubles, bangles, and beads?

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