Tuesday, April 15, 2008


That's how leftists look at taxes.

As when Behar of The View praised the high taxes in Denmark because Danes get "free" education and healthcare as a result.

HA! They're just "pre-paying" for these services - and to the GOVERNMENT. The government is never an efficient provider of goods or services.

If Danes were taxed less, then they could afford to buy better coverage privately.

Better goods and services are ALWAYS provided by people/business who have to COMPETE for your dollar. That's just a fact of life.

Government revenues should be raised and used only to pay for the things we really need government to do: national defense, jurisprudence, police, and PROPERLY regulated the marketplaces - (which means ensuring there is an equal playing field and openness/transparency. It doesn't mean enforcing outcomes, protecting people from losses or risks, or setting preconditions on trades - such as demanding that cars manufacturers build cars which burn biofuels or that there are subsidized goods such as corn for ethanol).

AND YES: ALL pensions and all insurance should be private.

(And we need a voucher system for schools, too!)

Government is too big, but even if it was small it has no moral or constitutional right to produce the goods or provide the services which private enterprise can produce and provide more efficiently.

The world's first great revolution - (and it's only still truly great one!) - the American Revolution was started over taxes. And we won a representative democratic government as a result.

We are now in need a real Tax Revolution.


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