Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day At The Un: Abolish Capitalism

From the BBC:

Two Latin American leaders have issued warnings about the effects of
biofuel production on food supplies.

Speaking at the UN in New York, Bolivian President Evo
Morales said the development of biofuels harmed the world's most impoverished

And President Alan Garcia of Peru said using land for biofuels was
putting food out of reach for the poor.

Meanwhile UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is hosting a
meeting to discuss European policy encouraging biofuels.

Ahead of the meeting, Mr Brown said that the UK should be "more
selective in our support" for biofuels, which convert cereals into fuel.

Campaigners say providing a renewable alternative for
conventional fuels could help stop global warming.

But as food prices climb worldwide, there is a fear that development of
biofuels could reduce the production of badly-needed basic foodstuffs.

Ethanol production is on course to account for some 30% of the US
maize crop by 2010, dramatically curtailing the amount of land available for
food crops.

The EU has meanwhile come under criticism for its target of getting
10% of road transport fuel from crops by 2020.

The head of the UN World Food Programme and the chief of the
African Development Bank chief are among those attending the London meeting.

Bio-ethanol project

Opening a UN forum on the global impact of climate change
on indigenous peoples, Mr Morales said that capitalism should be scrapped if the
planet is to be saved from the effects of climate change.

"If we want to save our planet earth, we have a duty to put
an end to the capitalist system," he said.

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