Saturday, April 05, 2008

China confirms new Tibetan riots

Renewed violence has broken out in a Tibetan area of western China, with reports of several injuries.

Xinhua news agency said rioters attacked government offices in Garze, Sichuan province, on Thursday evening, leaving one official seriously hurt.

Tibetan exile groups say security forces fired on crowds of civilians, killing at least eight people.

The violence comes weeks after unrest swept through Tibetan areas and Beijing responded with a security crackdown.
China is a police state, and if they can't keep the Tibetans under control trouble will explode all over the entire country. So expect more brutality against the Tibetans.

If China were to be transformed into a federal democracy, then they wouldn't have these problems and they'd become even richer even faster. After all, prosperity is a by product of liberty. Increases in liberty will increase prosperity.

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