Friday, April 25, 2008

The Cannibilism Begins (but what's Eating McCain?)

Don Surber shows us how bad it is getting inside the Democrat Party:

The Democratic Party begins eating its own.

How do you bring a country together when your party is falling apart?

The No. 3 House Democrat James Clyburn of South Carolina (via Talk Left): “I heard something, the first time yesterday (in South Carolina), and I heard it on the (House) floor today, which is telling me there are African Americans who have reached the decision that the Clintons know that she can’t win this. But they’re hell-bound to make it impossible for Obama to win.”

Supporter of Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton, Taylor Marsh, on House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi: “I’ve supported Pelosi through all of her tenure, proud to have the first woman Speaker of the House. But recently she simply sounds like The Queen Political Bee intent on keeping any other female from hogging her spotlight. Her performance on Larry King Live was embarrassing. It reminds me of high school when the top cheerleader is about to be deposed by someone who can do a better jump. Truly beneath what I’d expect of a woman of this stature in the 21st century. Unless women get past this nonsense we’re doomed.”

The voice of reason? Paul Krugman!

No, I’m serious. Check it out:

But the message that Democrats are ready to continue and build on a grand tradition doesn’t mesh well with claims to be bringing a “new politics” and rhetoric that places blame for our current state equally on both parties.

And unless Democrats can get past this self-inflicted state of confusion, there’s a very good chance that they’ll snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this fall.

It’s all a plot to lull popcorn-munching Republicans to sleep.

Pass the popcorn anyway.

I am an Orville Redenbacher man myself... but how can one possibly sleep when one is having so much fun?

"Defeat from the jaws of victory" -- hell Krugman might as well be describing McCain's "suck up" performance in New Orleans yesterday, or else his dust up over the Reverand Wright ad in NC... Neither are exactly going to motivate the Conservative base to turn out in the fall. It is telling about the state of chaos at the DNC that the Republicans are basically running a Democrat-lite as their Presidential candidate, yet the Democrat candidates are so pathetic that this Copperhead Republican will probably win. Still, if McCain turns in too many more performances like yesterday, he may be the one snatching defeat from victory--good grief, John: how about knowing when to put a sock in that pie hole of yours? Sun Tzu said something famous about never going about destroying your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself; I think we need a corollary to that: never destroy yourself when your enemy is destroying himself...

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