Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The order has been given to police to hand it the wrecking ball.

They'll be doing the right thing by leveling the house of the scummy Hamas-supporting family that raised that monster.


  1. After leveling the house, the should also destroy the home village. Then the Israelis should choose ten Palestinians at random and execute them. That should quickly stop this terrorism. I mean look how well it worked for the Nazis.

    If Jesus had been Jewish, he'd be weeping right now.

  2. cuntinuum - u r nuts and ignorant.

    get help.

    jesus was a jew.
    his mother was a jew.
    joseph was a jew.

    nothing jesus ever said was outside or against any acceptable interpretation of judaism.

    and he said it in isrseal to JEWS. he never preached to gentiles.

    inri was on the cross. the romans knew who and what he was.

    and he was a threat to rome.
    crucifixion is a roman punishment, not jewish - not kosher.


    terrorists and mass murderers must be dealt wioth harshly.

    fdr fire-bombed dresden and tokyo.

    we nuked hiroshima and nagasaki.

    all of these acts - and many others like them - HELPED end the war, and saved lives.

    allowing scum like nazis and jihadists to live another day to do worse shit is IDIOTIC and counter-productive.

    israel has fought with one hand behind it's back for 50 years.

    just as the usa did in iraq from 2004 to 2007.

    to win you must be ready to fight total war and go out and seek and destroy the enemy.

    olmert and bush have been way too easy on the enemy.

    this just prolongs the inevitable and makes the inevitable worse - as the enemy has time to strengthen.

    the house of this mass murderer of children will be leveled according to the law.

    this is right and just because families of murderers like this are often rewarded for their family-members crimes.

    this diminishes the value of the reward and is therefore a disincentive for people who think they can help their families by doing the horrible attacks.

    now fuck off you anti-semitic scumbag.
