Sunday, March 16, 2008


WARNING: The USA is approaching 4000 dead in Iraq since 2003.

The Left'll be going ape-sh*t soon.

Brace yourselves.

BTW: That's 4000 in 5 years. About 2.1/day.

For each family, it's a catastrophe.
But for the world's strongest superpower, that's not more than we can absorb.

All who serve are heroes. Those who gave the ultimate sacrifice are heroes we're all especially indebted too. We owe them our respect and our total commitment to VICTORY.

Retreat would dishonor all our heroes, and embolden our enemies - and weaken our allies, even more.

The sacrifice of those who serve and their families demands that we increase our devotion to the cause for which they gave so much, not retreat.



  1. "Retreat would dishonor all our heroes, and embolden our enemies - and weaken our allies, even more."

    If anyone doubts that this is true you have only to look at what happened when we turned our tails and ran in VietNam. (Thanks to the dems, again)

  2. lcmslutheran,

    Good point, although we didn't exactly run from VietNam. President Nixon successfully "vietnamized" the war, and the last American combat troops were withdrawn in 1973.

    South VietNam didn't fall to the communists until the Democrats in Congress stopped the funding that enabled them to buy ammunition and pay their troops in 1974. (Nixon was by then distracted by Watergate.) Saigon fell in early 1975.

    So you are correct that the Democrats did facilitate the communist takeover of South VietNam, but no, we didn't run.

    It wasn't running away in that case, it was pure and simple treachery.
