Friday, March 28, 2008


An email from Jens Kieffer-Olsen, M.Sc.(Elec.Eng.), Slagelse, Denmark []

Sweden has experienced the coldest Easter in more than a century:

"A violent cold front moved down from the Arctic. And places like Nikkaloukta in Northern Lappland experienced the iciest Easter in more than 100 years. 41 degrees below zero had the most hardened Nikkaloukta citizen contemplate, if it was really necessary to go outside."

See here ("En valdsam kallfront drog ner fran Arktis. Och stallen som Nikkaloukta i norra Lappland fick uppleva den iskallaste pasken pa over 100 ar. 41 minusgrader fick den mest hardade Nikkalouktabo att fundera pa om det verkligen var nodvandigt att ga ut").

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your summary of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH


  1. Obama Watch?!?! Oh this is going to be an interesting year. I rather thought that all sites blogrolled here would just change their names to "Obama Watch" at this point, but now that there's an official spot it saves you all the trouble.

    Oh wait, this is something to do with bashing environmentalists however, pardon me. Thank you for bringing Obama Watch to the attention of numerous readers at other sites now though. I think they rather deserve a proper introduction, and will write one up later. Hat-Tip to you, of course.

  2. Of course, the global warming proponents will say that the theory (cough) predicts extreme weather, including cold (cough) as well as hot. (I actually read that on a lefty website - global warming is the new Theory of Everything!)

    The Renaissance Biologist

    (do you know about ?)
