Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Must not mention middle names?

We read:

"Recently, conservative talk show host Bill Cunningham in Cincinnati was raked over the coals for using Barack Obama's middle name "Hussein" in a rally for John McCain. Even McCain himself publicly apologized for this act.

But last December, Maureen Dowd, in her New York Times column talking about Sen. Obama's visit to New York Times headquarters, reminded us that:
"In The Atlantic, Andrew Sullivan lays out what he sees as Obama's "indispensable" capacity to move the country past baby-boom feuds and the world past sectarian and racial divides. "It's November 2008," he imagines. "A young Pakistani Muslim is watching television and sees that this man - Barack Hussein Obama - is the new face of America. In one simple image, America's soft power has been ratcheted up not a notch, but a logarithm." '

Let me get this straight. When Andrew Sullivan and Maureen Dowd mention Sen. Obama's middle name, it is "kosher." When a conservatives mention it, it is slammed by liberal journalists.

But does that mean conservatives can turn the tables on and now call Maureen Down and Andrew Sullivan racists for mentioning his middle name?


Just one Minute says: "Let's just call the Senator from Illinois "He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named".

Obama invents his own facts again

Post below lifted from Taranto. See the original for links

Obama criticized Clinton expressly for failing to read the classified National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's weapons capabilities, a report available at the time of her October 2002 vote authorizing the Iraq war. "She didn't give diplomacy a chance. And to this day, she won't even admit that her vote was a mistake--or even that it was a vote for war," Obama said.

"When it came time to make the most important foreign policy decision of our generation the decision to invade Iraq Senator Clinton got it wrong," Obama said.

He said that Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a fellow Democrat from neighboring West Virginia, had read the intelligence estimate as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and had voted against the war resolution.

Rockefeller, who is now chairman of that committee, endorsed Obama on Friday and campaigned with him on Saturday.

Just one problem: As blogress Clarice Feldman points out, and as the Senate roll-call confirms, Rockefeller voted for the war. We guess it was too good to check!

Posted by John Ray. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and for a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. Also, don't forget your handy-dandy summary of Obama news at OBAMOLOGY

1 comment:

  1. "...has been ratcheted up not a notch, but a logarithm." '"

    Maureen Dowd is no mathematician - wrong usage.
