Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SHOCKER: 4000 forced Muslim marriages in Great Britain ever year!

HOT AIR: An epidemic of forced marriages in Britain

A quiet epidemic of missing teenagers has Britain questioning its multicultural beliefs and asking why authorities have not acted to protect these children. Only a few weeks after the Archbishop of Canterbury suggested that the British allow for shari’a courts for Muslims, a new study indicates as many as 4,000 or more Muslim teens and young adults simply vanish every year — forced into arranged marriages by family members through abduction, rape, and threat of death:

The figures have triggered a public debate about religion, archaic family traditions and British identity. The government now estimates that 3,000 forced marriages take place in Britain per year.

Even Khanum doubts these numbers. In Luton alone, each year sees 300 calls to an emergency telephone line for victims of forced marriages. “We’re dealing with something here that happens in secrecy,” Khanum says. She estimates that there could be about 4,000 cases nationwide each year of children and young adults who are forced to marry and taken out of the country, both against their will.


(Meanwhile, native Brits ow have their LOWEST marriage rate ever!)

They Muslims send their most assimilated children back to the worst areas to be forced into submission.

This practice is as bad as slavery.

IMHO: Islamo-misogyny is the sociological/psychological root cause of jihado-terror:

Children who are taught that it’s okay to do this and worse to their sisters (people of their own blood/their own family/their own tribe) will of course grow up to be able to commit genocide against infidels.

The civilized world must unite to ERADICATE islamo-misogyny.

This can be done without any wars:

Nations which permit islamo-misogyny should be shunned and banned from all international and multilateral organizations - including the UN, the WB, the IMF and WTO.

And then we might use coordinated international police force to interdict the perp's as they transport the victims: we need only remove all young Muslim women during their passage from one nation to another, and then isolate them in safety, and then offer them freedom and refugee status anywhere in the West if they claim to be traveling against their will.

It's that simple.

We can end this practice in a few years time.

With no bullets.

There is NO EXCUSE for the Left not to unite with the Right to achieve this.

There is NO EXCUSE for the Euros not to unite with the USA to achieve this.

I urge Bush and Rice and the GOP to adopt this policy.

We ended slavery; we can end forced marriage and islamo-misogyny.

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