Sunday, March 02, 2008

Prince Charles: A Royal with heart

Prince Harry has returned to Britain from Afghanistan today after a 10-week tour fighting the Taliban, and was reunited with his father Prince Charles and elder brother William.... Prince Charles, who said he struggled to keep his son's mission under wraps, said he was happy to see his son back safe and sound as he and Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid tribute to his and other British troops' efforts. "It's an incredible relief to see him back in one piece," he said. "It is obviously marvellous to see him back and I'm enormously proud of what he's done."

"I do so understand what it's like for so many other families and loved ones of those serving on operations, what they have to endure. "Having met so many of the families when I go to visit some of my regiments, I know what it's like when they're so far away and don't know what's going on. It's much worse in a way for those left behind."

Charles also paid tribute to British forces, whose risky work he said the public did not often appreciate, highlighting that Harry's plane was delayed as it stopped en-route for three injured soldiers to receive medical treatment. "While being incredibly proud of Harry I am equally proud, for what it's worth, of all the dedicated service given by all our armed forces."

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I feel really sorry for Prince Harry. He was really enjoying himself on active service. He will look back on his time in Afghanistan as one of the highlights of his life. There is still plenty of the old warrior blood in people of British origin. There is a video at the link above in which the Prince says how much he enjoyed his experiences in the field -- JR

Posted by John Ray. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and for a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. Also, don't forget your handy-dandy summary of Obama news at OBAMOLOGY

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