Friday, March 14, 2008


The NYTIMES had a piece on Obama's weird mother today.

Here's what I learned:

Obama's father left him and his mother when he was 2.

His step father left them both and Obama's half-sister.

His mother chose to leave Barack Hussein Jr when he became a teen - and he was happier to live with grandparents who left him alone, than to be with his mother.

THE FIRST CHANCE HE COULD (AFTER HIS SPEECH TO THE KERRY CONVENTION MADE HIM A NATIONAL STAR ON THE LEFT), he broke the contract he had with the literary agent who gave him the idea he could sell his autobiography, and sold it.

The family he has lived with the last 20 years is principally made up of his anti-American/anti-white wife, and his anti-American and anti-white pastor and the children he baptized.

He climbed the ladder in Chicago by fronting for a slumlord and the Chicago Machine which the slumlord helped to finance.

These are salient and troubling parts of his biography. To me, they are moments which inspire anxiety: I can;pt imagine a whole trustworthy person emerging from that... mess. I can see a chameleon emerging from it, an opportunist - one who deep inside hates whites and is prepared to put on any "happy face" and do ANYTHING to get ahead personally.

That;s why he joined that big anti-white church: to get ahead in the Chicago ghetto. It's why he did Rezko's bidding, and the bidding of the Chicago Machine ever since.

BOTTOM-LINE: There is NOTHING is Obama's biography which inspires hope or confidence in me.

I would not trust him to be my lawyer. I would not trust him to be my state senator or Senator or President or Vice president.

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