Thursday, March 06, 2008

Movie About Religion of Peace Raises Terrorist Attack Level

Increased to "substantial":
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Netherlands is to raise its national risk level of a terrorist attack to "substantial", partly due to a new film made by a politician that is expected to be critical of the Koran, media reported on Thursday.

The justice minister is expected to send parliament an updated threat assessment later in the day, also citing a heightened terrorism threat level around the world, unnamed cabinet sources told ANP news agency.

The level had been at "substantial" before as religious and racial tensions simmered after an Islamic militant killed director Theo Van Gogh in 2004 over a separate film he made accusing Islam of condoning violence against women.
Do you see the irony?

Anyway, this is a golden opportunity for muslims and muslim leaders to make a fool of Geert Wilders.

In fact, they, as worshipers of islam, have a responsability and an obligation to prove Mr. Wilders wrong.

I urge every muslim to follow the National Moroccan Council's advise:
"We will have succeeded if, after the film, Mr. Wilders is frustrated," chairman, Mohamed Rabbae said at a news conference in January. "If he sees there are no riots and Muslims are cleverer and more democratic than he thinks."
Shouldn't be too hard to accomplish in a civilized world.

Update: The less favorable reaction would be something like this:

Salah Al-Din Brigades Spokesman on Al-Jazeera Calls on Muslims to Bomb, Burn Down Danish Embassies and Kidnap Danish Ambassadors to Slaughter Them at Muhammad's Tomb

You see, it doesn't fit in with the "Religion of Peace"-thingie...

SUGIERO-search: Geert Wilders, Fitna.


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