Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Movie About Religion of Peace Needs Anti-Terror Screening

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende is doing his best to block the anti-islam movie "Fitna".

Now Geert Wilders has been obliged agreed to screen the film for the dutch anti-terror coordinator.

First time in history? Don't know, but hey, what can go wrong? After all, the movie is about the Religion of Peace!

Mr. Wilders also has a few words for the Prime Minister:
Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders says he will allow the Dutch anti-terrorism coordinator to see his controversial anti-Koran film before it is released, but only on condition that the viewing is not used as and excuse to ban it, NOS tv reports on Tuesday.

Earlier the Telegraaf said Wilders had refused to show the 10-minute film to Tjibbe Joustra, who is responsible for Wilders' security.

Wilders also blamed prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende for ‘all the trouble to come’, according to NOS. Balkenende is a ‘weak, frightened man who gives way to threats’, Wilders, leader of the PVV anti-immigration party said.
Update: Wilders says his film is legal:
The leader of the right-wing Freedom Party, Geert Wilders says there is nothing illegal about his anti-Qur'an film Fitna. He is negotiating with a number of television stations about their broadcasting the film, under the condition that it be sent out in its entirety.

Mr Wilders hopes to find a television station willing to broadcast the 15-minute film within the next few days; otherwise he will show it at a press conference later this month and then broadcast it via the internet. He is willing to show the film to National Anti-Terrorism Coordinator Tjebbe Joustra one day before its broadcast. However, he wants a guarantee that the film will not be banned. Sources in the Justice Department say such a guarantee cannot be given.


1 comment:

  1. Well, if the film does get banned, maybe we can all get ahold of it on the black market.

    The truth will always out.
